Saturday 7 June 2014

Creative Coding on futurelearn

Creative coding is an online course by Monash University in Melbourne on futurelearn which is another online course provider (currently in beta).

It combines teaching us how to use Processing to make art work and also teaches us about artwork and artists in this field. This combination means that it stays interesting and inspiring, as there's always something you didn't know.
e.g. the effects in Processing are impressive. The works of Sol Lewitt, Cornelius Cardew were also introduced to us, amongst others

The discussion on generative art  about whether the process or the end result was the artwork culminated in lots of debates. Coincidentally, I heard Michael Cook (who built Angelina) speak so lots of discussion ensued about who was the artist/designer. Apologies to our fellow commuters.

Over the weeks, hopefully (time and energy permitting), the knowledge around the subject will increase and I will gain confidence in the tools I can use to play.

This will overlap with the 2nd term of sketchbookskool so that may be interesting.

Here's the first set of homework which was done in a hurry (three different sketches that we were to play with - I tweaked one to add colour)